When you’re receiving money from another country, transaction charges from the international banks can take a significant bite out of your payments. Heritage Bank Ltd has teamed up with foreign exchange specialists, Convera, to bring you a great deal on fast, reliable payments from overseas with a 72 hour rate guarantee. Please complete the online form to obtain payment instructions.
Important information
- This rate will expire 72 hours following the successful submission of this form.
- If the payment is not received by Convera within 72 hours, the actual rate that will apply is the prevailing Convera rate for your transaction on the date of receipt of funds by Convera.
- Convera is not responsible for any processing delays by any remitter or intermediary banks.
- The funds will be transferred to your Australian account with Heritage Bank Ltd after funds have been received by Convera.
- Please ensure that you double check that the BSB and Account numbers are correct. Convera and Heritage Bank Ltd do not cross check the account number with the account name submitted. Convera and Heritage Bank Ltd are entitled to rely on the account number as your instructions to transfer the money to that bank account . Heritage Bank Ltd and Convera advise that it may not be possible to recover funds from an unintended recipient if incorrect bank account details are used.
- You are entering into this transaction as a client of Heritage Bank Ltd. Convera has been appointed by Heritage Bank Ltd to facilitate the transaction.
- By submitting this form you are subject to the terms within our Privacy Policy and consent to Convera using the information within to communicate with you with regards to this transaction.